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What Are The Basic Components Of Cosmetics?

A cosmetic product contains several ingredients and the active ingredients are the most important component of a cosmetic product. Active ingredients are indeed a key component of cosmetics as they help with the efficacy of the product. In simpler terms, the active ingredients ensure the treatment of any particular condition related to skin, or hair gives the desired effect.

There are many types of cosmetic items including skincare, hair care, makeup, fragrance, and personal care.

Maintaining healthy and clear skin is not so easy without any cosmetics. How we look does matter in this fast-paced modern world, especially in boosting confidence and self-esteem. Hence, the dependence on cosmetics has grown manifold. You will hardly find anybody who does not use cosmetics. Such is the popularity that the market provides a host of choices.

However, the components of cosmetics are something that not many know. There is no big mystery behind it. In simple language, it is a little bit of science. As we gradually proceed with this write-up, we will try to unfurl the science behind cosmetics.

Cosmetic Items And What Are The Key Components In Them

Thickeners, emulsifiers, water, preservatives, moisturizers, colors, and fragrances are some primary components in cosmetic products. All of which make up a cosmetic item. At times, these are naturally occurring. While at other times, they are formulated in a laboratory. In all developed countries across the various continents, there is a government authority that regulates the ingredients used in cosmetics.

Active Ingredient Is The Primary Component Of Cosmetics

A consumer uses a cosmetic product to get a desired effect and the active ingredient is responsible for causing the product’s benefit. For this reason, the primary component of cosmetics is the active ingredient. It is safe to say that without the active ingredient, the desired result will not be obtained. A number of other components are added to the cosmetic product to support the active ingredient to deliver the intended effect.

Other Components Of Cosmetics

In addition to the primary component which is the active ingredient, the other components of cosmetics are:

  • Surfactants: These chemical compounds lower the surface tension between liquids, gases, or solid compounds. These are surface-active agents which enable oil to mix with water. Surfactants form foam that facilitates dirt cleaning.
  • Emollients: Used in lotions and lipsticks, emollients function as skin softeners and commonly help prevent water loss. This is a category with two major options – natural or chemical. In addition, there are many options with the most common emollients being glycerine, coconut, olive oil, beeswax, lanolin, petroleum jelly, and a few mineral oils.
  • Humectants: This is a common component in many cosmetics and it hydrates the skin. It grabs the water as a cosmetic item containing it sits on the skin. Chemically, these are substances that form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, and they draw water from anywhere, like air or deeper levels of skin that keep hydration intact on the top layer.
  • Thickeners: Thickeners maintain product consistency. Thickeners can retain water on the skin and act as moisturizers. Some of them have emulsifying properties. Sometimes thickeners are also used as stabilizers. They help maintain proper emulsion within the product. The thickeners are of many types including natural, lipid, synthetic, and mineral thickeners.
  • Fragrances: Fragrances are intrinsic to cosmetic products. They provide a beautiful odour masking the strong smell of some ingredients in certain products. Fragrances can alleviate stress, make you feel fresh, and also act as a catalyst in triggering attraction. From a composition point of view, fragrances can be synthetic, natural, or a bit of both. The flavors can vary. Some extensive fragrant ingredients are cinnamal, limonene, essential oils, citronellol, linalool, eugenol, and geraniol.
  • pH Adjuster: A measure of acidity in any cosmetic product is the pH level. The skin pH ranges between 3.0 and 7.0, particularly among healthy individuals. It also depends on the body part. The pH adjusters control the skin balance, especially during the application period. Mostly, the pH is acidic in cosmetic products except for special purposes. Lactic acid and citric acid are some pH levelers.
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