A lot of us love to spend time in the sun. However, the unfortunate thing about it is that the harsh ultraviolet rays can wreak havoc on our skin, thus causing burns and blisters that can cause skin cancer. AAD (American Association of Dermatology) states that in the USA (United States of America), skin cancer is the most common form of cancer, and every day 20 Americans die from melanoma which is supposed to be the most dangerous form of skin cancer. Hence, dermatologists advise against prolonged sun exposure. If you need to go out for work when the UV rays are too high, you must protect your skin first. Otherwise, time outside under the hot sun can give you severe sunburns that you should avoid at any cost.
The number one cause of melanoma is exposure to UV (ultraviolet) light – both natural and artificial. Sunscreens (physical and chemical) offer protection from such light, but which one is better?
The pros of chemical sunscreens
Chemical sunscreens are applied quickly and easily. Unlike physical sunscreens, they do not leave a white film on your skin. Even more importantly, statistically, they perform better than physical sunscreens in consumer tests in the period for which they save your skin from UV rays. It is something that doctors attest to as well.
The cons of chemical sunscreens
In certain people, chemical sunscreens may cause skin reactions. Doctors say they can lead to allergic reactions in people with sensitive skin and worsen conditions such as rosacea and melasma. AAD says that melasma is a common skin condition where you have brown patches on your face, arms, and forearms. In rosacea, you have small pimples and red patches on your cheeks, forehead, and nose.
The pros of physical sunscreens
The two ingredients in mineral sunscreens are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. They are the two of their kind recognized as being effective and safe by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Doctors say they are much better options for people more worried about long-term exposure to the chemical ingredients. They are ideal for kids and people with conditions like melasma and sensitive skin.
The cons of physical sunscreens
Physical sunscreens are thick and sit on your skin. Hence, they may lead to breakouts among people vulnerable to acne. Doctors say that the best products for people who have combination or acne-prone skin are ones that combine both chemical and physical ingredients. They recommend combination sunscreen products that contain anti-acne additives such as niacinamide. It is also much harder to apply physical sunscreens.
In the end, physical sunscreens offer some advantages – they last longer and allergic reactions are fewer. But they can be a bit more difficult to apply. While a combination of well-chosen chemical sunscreens can help give broad-spectrum sun protection. While it is good to evaluate physical and chemical sunscreens and make a choice. Remember, using some sunscreen is always a better decision than using none at all.
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